Welcome to the Typeflo Headless CMS Content API documentation. This API allows you to access content from your Typeflo-powered blog programmatically. With it, you can retrieve posts, authors, categories, tags, and more to build custom applications, frontends, or integrations.
To use the Typeflo's Content API, you need a Content API key.
Retrieving Your API Key
Log in to your Typeflo admin dashboard.
Navigate to Settings > Apps.
Under Manage Custom Apps , click on +Add
Create new custom app with the name of your choice
Once created, head over to the newely created app settings to view the API Keys
From the Settings page, you will be able to get the below credentials:-
Content & Admin API keys
Content & Admin API URLs
Base URL
GET https://<your-subdomain>.typeflo.io/api/headless/content
To authenticate requests, pass the Content API key as a bearer token in the Authorization header.
For example:
GET https://<your-subdomain>.typeflo.io/api/headless/content/posts
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_CONTENT_API_KEY
The Typeflo Content API provides endpoints for:
Posts: Retrieve posts created in your blog.
Categories: Retrieve categories used in your content.
Tags: Retrieve tags used in your content.
Pages: Retrieve static pages.
Authors: Retrieve information about authors.
Settings: Retrieve site-wide settings.
All responses are returned in JSON format.
1. Posts
Retrieve published posts from your Typeflo blog.
GET /posts
GET /posts/{id}
GET /posts/{slug}
Example Request
GET https://<your-subdomain>.typeflo.io/api/headless/content/posts
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_CONTENT_API_KEY
Example Response
"data": [
"id": "596334f38-e133-4de5-a3e9-8a18420ee03c",
"title": "Sample Post",
"slug": "sample-post",
"excerpt": "",
"content": "<p>This is the content of the post</p>",
"author": "0423169c-5te3-43e6-bb1c-cbbfa4047247",
"categories": [
"label": "General",
"value": "e2324fe2-343b-4154-a69c-f2624c94d7ee"
"created_at": "2025-01-01T12:00:00.000Z",
"featured_image": {
"hd": "https://auth.typeflo.io/storage/..../hd.jpeg",
"sd": "https://auth.typeflo.io/storage/..../sd.jpeg"
"docsid": "...",
"metatitle": "Sample Post",
"metadescription": "....."
"reading_time": "3 min read",
"tags": [
"label": "Social",
"value": "e43285ae2-343b-4154-a69c-f2624c94d7ee"
"toc_status": true,
"opengraph": {
"twitter": {
"metatitle": "...",
"metadescription": "......",
"image": "....."
"facebook": {
"metatitle": "...",
"metadescription": "......",
"image": "....."
"restriction": {
"status": false,
"percentage": 30
"is_draft": false,
"scheduled": null
"error": null,
"current_start_range": 0,
"current_end_range": 11
Fields overview
Field | Type | Description |
| String | Unique identifier for the post. |
| String | The title of the post. |
| String | URL-friendly version of the title, used in the post's URL. |
| String | A short summary or introduction to the post. |
| String (HTML) | The main content of the post in HTML format. |
| String | The ID of the author who created the post. |
| Array of Objects | List of categories assigned to the post. Each object includes |
| String (ISO 8601 Date) | Timestamp indicating when the post was created. |
| Object | URLs for the post's featured image in HD and SD resolutions. |
| String | The Google Docs ID associated with this post. |
| String | The meta title for the post, used in SEO and previews. |
| String | The meta description for the post, used in SEO and previews. |
| String | Estimated reading time for the post (e.g., "3 min read"). |
| Array of Objects | List of tags associated with the post. Each object includes |
| Boolean | Indicates whether the table of contents is enabled ( |
| Object | Open Graph metadata for social media platforms, including Twitter and Facebook. |
| Object | Gated content restriction settings for the post: |
| Boolean | Indicates whether the post is a draft ( |
| String or | Timestamp for when the post is scheduled to go live, or |
| String or | Error message if any issues occurred, otherwise |
| Integer | Index of the first post in the current range of displayed posts. |
| Integer | Index of the last post in the current range of displayed posts. |
2. Pages
Retrieve static pages from your Typeflo site.
GET /pages
GET /pages/{id}
GET /pages/{slug}
Example Request
GET https://<your-subdomain>.typeflo.io/api/headless/content/pages
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_CONTENT_API_KEY
Example Response
"data": [
"id": "596313c38-e133-5fs4-a3e9-8a18420ee03c",
"title": "Sample Page",
"slug": "sample-page",
"content": "<p>This is the content of the post</p>",
"postedby": "046dasd9c-8e4b-43e6-aa42-cbbfa4047247",
"created_at": "2025-01-01T12:00:00.000Z",
"docsid": "...",
"metatitle": "Sample Page",
"metadescription": ".....",
"is_draft": false,
"error": null,
"current_start_range": 0,
"current_end_range": 11
Fields overview
Field | Type | Description |
| String | Unique identifier for the page. |
| String | The title of the page. |
| String | URL-friendly version of the title, used in the page's URL. |
| String (HTML) | The main content of the page in HTML format. |
| String | The ID of the user who created the page. |
| String (ISO 8601 Date) | Timestamp indicating when the page was created. |
| String | The Google Docs ID associated with the page. |
| String | The meta title for the page, used in SEO and previews. |
| String | The meta description for the page, used in SEO and previews. |
| Boolean | Indicates whether the page is a draft ( |
| String or | Error message if any issues occurred, otherwise |
| Integer | Index of the first page in the current range of displayed pages. |
| Integer | Index of the last page in the current range of displayed pages. |
3. Authors
Retrieve information about authors.
GET /authors
GET /authors/{id}
GET /authors/{slug}
Example Request
GET https://<your-subdomain>.typeflo.io/api/headless/content/authors
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_CONTENT_API_KEY
Example Response
"data": [
"id": "596313c38-e133-4de5-b94c-8a18420ee03c",
"name": "Adam Steve",
"email": "[email protected]",
"slug": "adam-steve",
"description": ".....",
"socials": [
"name": "Facebook",
"link": "https://fb.com/..."
"name": "Twitter",
"link": "https://x.com/...."
"metadescription": ".....",
"created_at": "2025-01-01T12:00:00.000Z"
"error": null,
"current_start_range": 0,
"current_end_range": 11
Fields overview
Field | Type | Description |
| String | Unique identifier for the author. |
| String | The name of the author. |
| String | The email address of the author. |
| String | URL-friendly version of the author's name, used in the profile's URL. |
| String | A short bio or description of the author. |
| Array of Objects | List of social media profiles for the author. Each object includes |
| String | The meta description for the author, used in SEO and previews. |
| String (ISO 8601 Date) | Timestamp indicating when the author profile was created. |
| String or | Error message if any issues occurred, otherwise |
| Integer | Index of the first author in the current range of displayed authors. |
| Integer | Index of the last author in the current range of displayed authors. |
4. Category
Retrieve categories used in your content.
GET /category
GET /category/{id}
GET /category/{slug}
Example Request
GET https://<your-subdomain>.typeflo.io/api/headless/content/category
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_CONTENT_API_KEY
Example Response
"data": [
"id": "596313c38-e133-3235-a3e9-8a18420ee03c",
"name": "General",
"title": "general",
"createdby": "046dasd9c-9c43-43e6-bb1c-cbbfa4047247",
"created_at": "2025-01-01T12:00:00.000Z",
"metadescription": "....."
"error": null,
"current_start_range": 0,
"current_end_range": 11
Fields overview
Field | Type | Description |
| String | Unique identifier for the category. |
| String | The display name of the category. |
| String | URL-friendly version of the category name, used in the category's URL. |
| String | The ID of the user who created the category. |
| String (ISO 8601 Date) | Timestamp indicating when the category was created. |
| String | The meta description for the category, used in SEO and previews. |
| String or | Error message if any issues occurred, otherwise |
| Integer | Index of the first tag in the current range of displayed categories. |
| Integer | Index of the last category in the current range of displayed categories. |
5. Tags
Retrieve tags used in your content.
GET /tags
GET /tags/{id}
GET /tags/{slug}
Example Request
GET https://<your-subdomain>.typeflo.io/api/headless/content/tags
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_CONTENT_API_KEY
Example Response
"data": [
"id": "596313c38-e133-943f-a3e9-8a18420ee03c",
"name": "Social",
"title": "social",
"createdby": "046dasd9c-8e4b-9h5f-bb1c-cbbfa4047247",
"created_at": "2025-01-01T12:00:00.000Z",
"metadescription": "....."
"error": null,
"current_start_range": 0,
"current_end_range": 11
Fields overview
Field | Type | Description |
| String | Unique identifier for the tag. |
| String | The display name of the tag. |
| String | URL-friendly version of the tag name, used in the tag's URL. |
| String | The ID of the user who created the tag. |
| String (ISO 8601 Date) | Timestamp indicating when the tag was created. |
| String | The meta description for the tag, used in SEO and previews. |
| String or | Error message if any issues occurred, otherwise |
| Integer | Index of the first tag in the current range of displayed tags. |
| Integer | Index of the last tag in the current range of displayed tags. |
6. Settings
Retrieve blog-wide settings.
GET /settings
Example Request
GET https://<your-subdomain>.typeflo.io/api/headless/content/settings
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_CONTENT_API_KEY
Example Response
"data": [
"id": "fafa8eee5-a7eb-4134-ad56-b9865822de4b",
"subdomain": "demo",
"heading": "Hi 👋 We are Growmmerce",
"description": "<p>Growmmerce enables individuals ....</p>",
"posts": 5,
"category": 3,
"authors": 3,
"subscribers": 10,
"created_at": "2023-10-20T13:54:46.592+00:00",
"logoimg": "https://auth.typeflo.io/storage/..../logo.jpeg",
"logoimgdark": "https://auth.typeflo.io/storage/..../logodark.jpeg",
"faviconimg": "https://auth.typeflo.io/storage/..../favicon.jpeg",
"metatitle": "Growmmerce Blog",
"metadescription": "....",
"custom_domain": {
"status": true,
"domain": "https://example.com"
"theme": {
"theme_colour": "#1E3A8A",
"layout": "list",
"translation_strings": null,
"toc_global": true,
"rtl": false
"integrations": {
"disqus": {
"disqus_url": "",
"status": "disabled"
"ga4": null,
"gsc": {
"script_url": "",
"status": "disabled"
"adsense": {
"pub_id": "",
"status": "disabled"
"custom_code": {
"header_code": "",
"footer_code": "",
"custom_css": ""
"newslettermode": true,
"newsletter": {
"title": "Signup for the newsletter",
"subtitle": "....",
"popup": {
"title": "Signup for the newsletter",
"subtitle": "....",
"acceptance": ""
"exit_intent": {
"title": "Wait! Signup for our newsletter before you go?",
"subtitle": "....",
"acceptance": ""
"webhook_url": ""
"darkmode": true,
"footertxt": ""
"error": null,
"current_start_range": 0,
"current_end_range": 11
Fields overview
Field | Type | Description |
| String | Unique identifier for the blog. |
| String | The subdomain associated with the blog. |
| String | The main heading for the project or blog. |
| String (HTML) | HTML content describing the blog. |
| Integer | The number of posts published. |
| Integer | The number of categories available. |
| Integer | The number of authors contributing to the blog. |
| Integer | The number of subscribers. |
| String (ISO 8601 Date) | Timestamp indicating when the blog were created. |
| String (URL) | URL for the logo image used in light mode. |
| String (URL) | URL for the logo image used in dark mode. |
| String (URL) | URL for the favicon image. |
| String | The meta title for the blog, used in SEO and previews. |
| String | The meta description for the blog, used in SEO and previews. |
| Object | Details of the custom domain configuration. Includes |
| Object | Theme configuration, including |
| Object | Integrations configuration. Includes options for Disqus, Google Analytics 4 (GA4), Google Search Console (GSC), and AdSense. |
| Object | Custom code injection options. Includes |
| Boolean | Indicates if the newsletter mode is enabled. |
| Object | Newsletter configuration, including |
| Boolean | Indicates if dark mode is enabled. |
| String | Custom text to display in the footer. |
| String or | Error message if any issues occurred, otherwise |
Filtering are the parameters that can be used in typeflo to fetch the specific content. It can be applied for below URLs
GET /posts
GET /pages
GET /category
GET /tags
GET /authors
Posts parameters
Parameter | Description | Example Query | Example Result |
slug | Filters posts by their unique slug. |
| Returns posts where the slug is "sample-post". |
author | Filters posts by the author's unique identifier. |
| Returns posts authored by the specified ID. |
title | Filters posts by the title |
| Returns posts with the title "Sample Post". |
toc_status | Filters posts by their table of contents (ToC) status. |
| Returns posts with ToC enabled. |
restriction.status | Filters posts based on their restriction status. |
| Returns non-restricted posts. |
restriction.percentage | Filters posts by the percentage of content restricted. |
| Returns posts where 30% of the content is restricted. |
is_draft | Filters posts based on their draft status. |
| Returns only draft posts. |
Other Parameters | Any other supported field from the post schema can be used as a parameter to filter results. |
| Returns posts with the metatitle "Sample Post". |
Excluded Fields
The following fields cannot be used in the query as they result in an error if included:
Example Query
Pages Parameters
Parameter | Description | Example Query | Example Result |
slug | Filters pages by their unique slug. |
| Returns pages where the slug is "sample-page". |
title | Filters pages by their title. |
| Returns pages with the title "Sample Page". |
is_draft | Filters pages based on their draft status. |
| Returns only draft page |
Other Parameters | Any other supported field from the page schema can be used as a parameter to filter results. |
| Returns pages with the meta title "SEO Page". |
Excluded Fields
The following fields cannot be used in the query as they result in an error if included:
Example Query
Author Parameters
Parameter | Description | Example Query | Example Result |
slug | Filters authors by their unique slug. |
| Returns authors where the slug is "adam-steve". |
name | Filters authors by their name. |
| Returns authors with the name "Adam Steve". |
Filters authors by their email address. | Returns authors with the email "[email protected]". |
Excluded Fields
The following fields cannot be used in the query as they result in an error if included:
Example Query
https://<your-subdomain>.typeflo.io/api/headless/content/authors?slug=adam-steve&name=Adam%20Steve&[email protected]
Category Parameters
Parameter | Description | Example Query | Example Result |
slug | Filters categories by their unique slug. |
| Returns categories where the slug is "social-media". |
name | Filters categories by their name. |
| Returns categories with the name "Social Media". |
Excluded Fields
The following fields cannot be used in the query as they result in an error if included:
Example Query
Tags Parameters
Parameter | Description | Example Query | Example Result |
slug | Filters tags by their unique slug. |
| Returns tags where the slug is "general". |
name | Filters tags by their name. |
| Returns tagswith the name "General". |
Excluded Fields
The following fields cannot be used in the query as they result in an error if included:
Example Query
Common Parameters
Parameter | Description | Example Query | Example Result |
limit | Sets the maximum number of results to be returned. Default is 100 if not specified. |
| Returns up to 50 items. |
Example Query
Parameter | Description | Example Query | Example Result |
start_range | Specifies the starting index of the results to fetch, enabling pagination. |
| Fetches results starting from the 10th record. |
end_range | Specifies the ending index of the results to fetch, enabling pagination. |
| Fetches results up to the 19th record (inclusive). |
When used together, start_range
and end_range
allow to paginate through the dataset. Ensure that the difference between end_range
and start_range
aligns with the limit
parameter, if used.
Error Handling
The API returns standard HTTP status codes to indicate success or failure.
Code | Meaning | Description |
200 | OK | The request was successful. |
400 | Bad Request | The request could not be understood or was missing parameters. |
401 | Unauthorized | The API key is missing or invalid. |
404 | Not Found | The requested resource could not be found. |
406 | Not Acceptable | The server is unable to provide a response that matches the client's requested format |
500 | Internal Server Error | An error occurred on the server. |
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