Typeflo Help Center

This is the official documentation and help portal for Typeflo. Incase you do not find an article for what you are looking for, feel free to contact us.

Headless CMS Admin API Documentation

Headless CMS Content API Documentation

Understanding CSS selectors to map fields (For CMS importing)

Help Topics

Headless CMS Admin API Documentation

Headless CMS Content API Documentation

Understanding CSS selectors to map fields (For CMS importing)

(CSV links / URLs method) Importing posts from your current CMS to Typeflo

(Sitemap method) Importing posts from your current CMS to Typeflo

(Recommended - RSS Method) Importing posts from your current CMS to Typeflo

Team member roles & permissions in Typeflo

Bulk publishing posts from Google Sheets

How to connect your Typeflo blog to your domain name

Updating the footer text on your blog

Finding your blog's Sitemap and RSS Feed URLs

Adding team members in the whitelabel dashboard