Already have a list of all the URLs you want to import to Typeflo?
Or if the RSS / sitemap CMS import methods don't work for you due to various reasons (for example, missing or incomplete sitemaps or RSS feeds), this method can be useful for importing posts from your existing CMS to Typeflo.
Refer the below links if you would like to change your CMS import method -
You need to have a Google / Excel sheet containing links of all the posts you want to import to Typeflo. This sheet needs to have a header cell that specifies the row containing the links under it.
As you see in the above screenshot, the links are shown under the cell named "Links" which helps us understand which row we need to fetch to find the post URLs.
The cell named "Links" can be named anything as per your choice.
Lets get started
Step 1: Click on Settings > Import
Click on "Continue"
Step 2: Enter your blogs home page URL and the URL of any individual blog post on your website.
If your main website is accessable on and your blogs URL is, enter
If your main website itself contains links to your blog archive, then enter your main websites URL, that is
Click on "Connect" to proceed.
You will be presented with a notice. Please read the same and click "Yes I agree" to proceed.
Next, Typeflo will try to find the RSS and sitemap URL of your blog.
Step 3: The mapping process for content import is now initiated. Click on "Get started"
Step 4: In the next screen, select "Upload CSV containing URLs"
Then upload / drag and drop your CSV file that contains links to the posts you want to enter.
Once uploaded, enter the name of the row header - in our case it is "Links"
Then click on "Fetch URLs"
Step 5: Verify the total posts found and select the posts you want to import
Make sure that all post URLs have been detected correctly. This number is indicated in the photo above.
Click on "Next" once you have selected the posts you want to import.
The first option would reflect the appropriate content fetched by Typeflo. This is accurate most of the times and is the option you should proceed with in most cases.
This option would skip the mapping of the particular field / give you the option to map it to an existing field in Typeflo (For authors, dates etc)
If Typeflo was not able to detect post content that needs to be mapped, you can manually select / extract the fields with CSS selectors.
Use this guide to understand how to use the CSS selector feature.
Step 6: Select options for all fields until you reach the final field. Click "Start Importing" to proceed with the import process of your content from your existing CMS to Typeflo.
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